Tuesday, April 1, 2008

First Impressions

What an amazing place this is!
Arrived to Keflavik airport at 6:40am just as the sun was peeking its head over the edge of the island. Perfectly clear crystal blue sky . The first thing I noticed when I got on the bus to Reykajvik were the two large sculptures outside of the airport. There seems to be alot of public art around which is great.
The landscape looks like how I'd imagine the moon but with a bit of grass. I can't wait to get out and photograph!! In the distance I could see billowing stacks of steam, I'm guessing it is the blue lagoon. It is really beautiful and flat but also kind of alien with all the lava rock. It's strange though because listening to the Icelandic radio on the bus didn't really sound too strange= I just keep thinking of Selkirk! I'm already feeling at home, though the first thoughts I had were = How did anyone farm here? I also randomly thought about how hard it would be to plant trees here (once a treeplanter...) Seems amazing to me!
The first person I met at the SIM house is named Ingiborg and though I don't remember the exact context (because I was so tired this morning) I do remember her saying " Ha!", I think when I told her I was from Canada. It seemed to me like quite an Icelandic response for some reason.
The apartment is great= situated on the top floor of an old wooden building with lots of light. I think my pinhole dream photographs will work great in here! Slept alot of the day away and awoke to much continuous honking at 4pm = rush hour traffic I suppose. I'm off to find a grocery store and a power converter for my north american plug.
In my hazey mind this morning I know I had more things I was thinking about but I can't remember then all now. In any case, I will write more soon.
So far = awesome!!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

yay, I'm glad you made it safe and sound. Your apt sounds great-it's sunny in Wpg today. That's cool about public art-I'm excited to hear more about the art scene there. Hugs, T