Wednesday, April 16, 2008

The Journey

After having several dreams about going home to Banff and Winnipeg, I decided to revisit Litlaskard because I didn't really feel like I had done justice to it on my first trip. Felt a bit rushed. I rented a car on Monday and returned to the pull off that functioned as parking for the Litlaskardsfell hiking path. I packed up my camera gear and hiked around for a bit. It was much warmer, sunny, and less windy so it was a pleasant way to spend my afternoon. I could hear and smell the evidence of of spring- water trickling as ice melted in the creek and I could smell the grass. The smell made me think of Folk Fest- probably because of all the hours lying on the ground , in close proximity to grass listening to music, but also the resulting grass aroma from all the people walking in bare feet in the mud. All in all a nice contemplative space to be in. I also saw my first bugs of the year- a moth landed on my film holder. I think I may have captured some neat shots- not sure. It became more about the journey and the revisitation to the space more than anything else. I wrote in my journal and sat there for awhile. Really served as a reminder of how you need to spend the time to make interesting pictures. I think the first trip to this particular valley I shot off pictures like tick boxes on a check list. Not entirely bad but a different way to experience the place. One of the things I like about shooting large format and on film is the need to slow down, frame the shots properly and really think about what I'm shooting. On Monday I allowed this method to reintegrate itself into my practice-hope to get something good!

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