Saturday, July 23, 2011


In the process of wrapping up the course in Italy and am reflecting back on the month that I've been here. I think the most valuable part of this experience has been trying things I would not normally have tried, including this little sculpture and installation. It was influenced by the communication within the group of artists and was build from model train lumber that I had leftover from the Banff Bubble project. I wouldn't exactly say I'm a sculptor now, but I did enjoy making this, for what it's worth.

I'm also including a triptych I prepared for my colleague Jagna's show, which was a show within a show. The images were taken in Italy and are about different types of landscape. In any case, I think I'll need to some time to process this experience before I can really understand the transformation in the Corso Aperto (ongoing open studio event) and the course in general.

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