Friday, November 28, 2008

Performance Anxiety?

I've been having recurring dreams of recording my dreams with the audio recorder so that I don't forget anything. I then wake up and realize I haven't recorded anything. I usually forget a few things.

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Sleeping in the Installation

One of the first nights in my 'lab' in the gallery.

Saturday, November 22, 2008

Opening at Three Walls

Last night was the opening for the Turned Intos show at Three Walls and it seemed to be quite a success. I think about 150 people came out to see the work. This was partly due to the fact that several other galleries in the building were having shows but was exciting nonetheless.

Last night also marked the first night I slept in my installation piece. Part of my concept for the work I put in the show was a month long performance where I record my dreams every night and file them into a folder which visitors to the gallery can access. The work is cumulative and I'm interested to see what comes of it. Not surprisingly I dreamt of the gallery last night. I also had a recurring cereal theme...well the gallery bit seemed logical anyways.

Today, my fellow artists and I checked out the Field Museum which was fun. Many dioramas and dinosaur bones and artifacts. A nice way to unwind after the intensity of the week setting up for the show. Looking forward to returning to Banff in a month. It feels like I've been gone for years but it's only been just over two months. Time is not linear.

Anyway, I'm off to tuck into my dream lab in the gallery..

Saturday, November 15, 2008

Ms. Buttons

My friend Jen Hutton ( a.k.a. "Buttons") has a new show that just opened at Harbourfront Centre in Toronto. Check it out if you're in the neighbourhood.
She also has this snazzy new website:

Info About The Show

More information about the show in Chicago can be found on the Three Walls Gallery website:


Made it to Chicago! I'm staying in a Mexican neighbourhood with two lovely people, one of whom is on the board of directors at the gallery I'm showing at. I'm so excited to be here and check out the city. I could feel the energy of the place as I drove in last night; freeways a-buzzing and the huge expanse of city lights laid out before me. Only had a minor snag at the border – I think it's because I told them I was an artist. In any case, I made it and have already got the bed I'm going to sleep in at the gallery. Slowly gathering the bits I need to make the installation work. Should be interesting. Hope to check out some music and the art galleries in the coming weeks. Hard to believe I'll be back home in Banff in only 6 weeks or so! It's also hard to believe last week at this time I was preparing to go square dancing with my aunt in Kingston ( square dancing is really fun by the way). Time flies when you're being a gypsy in a Corolla. More to come.