Last night was the opening for the
Turned Intos show at Three Walls and it seemed to be quite a success. I think about 150 people came out to see the work. This was partly due to the fact that several other galleries in the building were having shows but was exciting nonetheless.
Last night also marked the first night I slept in my installation piece. Part of my concept for the work I put in the show was a month long performance where I record my dreams every night and file them into a folder which visitors to the gallery can access. The work is cumulative and I'm interested to see what comes of it. Not surprisingly I dreamt of the gallery last night. I also had a recurring cereal theme...well the gallery bit seemed logical anyways.
Today, my fellow artists and I checked out the Field Museum which was fun. Many dioramas and dinosaur bones and artifacts. A nice way to unwind after the intensity of the week setting up for the show. Looking forward to returning to Banff in a month. It feels like I've been gone for years but it's only been just over two months. Time is not linear.
Anyway, I'm off to tuck into my dream lab in the gallery..